陈名 教授
2018年1月-2019年11 山西大学电子信息工程系 讲师
2019年12月-2021年12 山西大学物电学院 副教授
2022年1月- 至今 山西大学电力与建筑学院 副教授
主要致力于第四代新型钙钛矿光伏材料的设计、筛选和制备,并探索其在光电转换领域的应用。研究内容为多维钙钛矿的光电转化材料和器件的研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金、山西省自然科学基金、山西省教育厅高校创新项目。在Advanced Functional Materials,Advanced Materials 和Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters等期刊发表论文十余篇。
1 Y.Zhang, Y. Liu, Z.Yang, Chen M.*, Shengzhong (Frank) Liu*,“Direct growth of pyramid-textured perovskite single crystals: a new strategy for enhanced optoelectronic performance” Advanced Functional Materials 2020,30,2002742. (一区,影响因子:15.621)
2 Chen, M.; Cui, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Ji, T.; Hao, Y.; Zhu, F. R., Effect of spherical metallic nanoparticles in active layer on absorption enhancement in organic solar cells. Journal of Photonics for Energy 2017, 7 (4), 045501.(三区,影响因子:2.177)
3 Chen, M.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Y., Enhanced light absorption of textured perovskite solar cells employing two-dimensional nanoarrays. Journal of Photonics for Energy 2019, 9 (3), 037001. (三区,影响因子:2.177)
4 Chen, M.; Zhang, Y.; Cui, Y.; Zhang, F.; Qin, W.; Zhu, F.; Hao, Y., Profiling Light Absorption Enhancement in Two-Dimensional Photonic-Structured Perovskite Solar Cells. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 2017, 7 (5), 1324-1328. (二区 影响因子:3.736 )
5 Chen, M.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, W.; Hao, Y.; Cui, Y.; Ji, T.; Zhu, F., Efficient Light Absorption in Organic Solar Cells Based on Two-Dimensional Arrayed Dielectric Nanospheres. IEEE Photonics Journal 2016, 8 (5), 1-9. (二区 影响因子:2.177 )
6. Xu, Z.; Chen, M.(共同一作); Liu, S. F., First-Principles Study of Enhanced Out-of-Plane Transport Properties and Stability in Dion-Jacobson Two-Dimensional Perovskite Semiconductors for High-Performance Solar Cell Applications. J Phys Chem Lett 2019, 10 (13), 3670-3675. (一区,影响因子:7.329)
7 Xu, Z.; Chen, M.; Frank Liu, S. L., van der Waals Interaction-Induced Tunable Schottky Barriers in Metal–2D Perovskite Contacts. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2021, 12, 1718-1725. (一区,影响因子:7.329)
8 Ma, C.; Chen, F.; Song, X.; Chen, M.; Gao, L.; Wang, P.; Wen, J.; Yang, Z.; Tang, Y.; Zhao, K.; Liu, S., Centimeter-Sized Molecular Perovskite Crystal for Efficient X-Ray Detection. Advanced Functional Materials 2021, 2100691. (一区,影响因子:15.621)
9 Cai, Y.; Cui, J.; Chen, M.; Zhang, M.; Han, Y.; Qian, F.; Zhao, H.; Yang, S.; Yang, Z.; Bian, H.; Wang, T.; Guo, K.; Cai, M.; Dai, S.; Liu, Z.; Liu, S., Multifunctional Enhancement for Highly Stable and Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells. Advanced Functional Materials 2021, 31 (7), 2005776. (一区,影响因子:15.621)